Sheepdog News

USBCHA no-brainer #1 passes

I just saw the following update to the USBCHA Board minutes–looks like no-brainer USBCHA issue #1 has passed:

Emil Luedecke motioned and Barb Ross seconded, “A motion that is made and seconded must be placed on the USBCHA web site for one week, minimum, before it can be voted on by the board."  Motion passed.

Allen Hickenbottom,  yes
Dean Holcomb, yes
Barb Ross,  yes
Lena Bailey, yes
Emil Luedecke,  yes
Beverly Lambert, yes
Michele Howard,  yes
Dan Keeton,  yes
Wilda Bahr,  yes
Laura Hicks, yes
Dick Williams,  yes

Francis Raley, March 10, 2008