Amanda: a dog-centric day
A dog-centric day
Joni woke me up, eager for her latte and an early start to use the cool of the day for the dog work. The coffee was not disappointing. and neither was the dog work. Joni had sixty fresh yearling finewools. Her neighbour Wendy Auzqui brought her horse and spotted on horse back, boon to the the eastern Nursery dogs who had never encountered such a thing. Quark, who is becoming confident, had several WTF moments, the horse and the range finewools combining to dispense with all her ideas of proper manners and convention. Zola thought she saw the devil in the horse. An invaluable training session, courtesy Joni Tietjen. Epiphanies left and right. The young dogs running with their eyes and mouths wide open, to take it all in. What a morning. The heat arrived and called an end to all reasonable ambitions with the dogs, and we drove back to Clearmont from Arvada. The dogs had a river swim in the Clear Creak that feeds the Powder River and miles of irrigated ground before it gets to the Powder. We went to Sheridan for lunch, supplies, and a stroll through the Dan King Rope Museum, with more antique saddles than anywhere else. Among the saddle collection were many side saddles, in which I take an interest. The shop, attached to a museum, produces most of North America’s rodeo ropes. Dan King is a celebrated Sheridan resident with a festival named in his honour. Later, it was Mexican, in Basque Buffalo with Auzquis and Tietjens, and dreams of running more worldly dogs, early tomorrow morning.