Sheepdog News

BevLive: setouts and set backs

I should have left Bud and Sarah's yesterday while I was ahead. Went out for one last session this morning before leaving. Hopeless. Hemp was back to his short outrun and Mirk was running too wide at my feet. Tried them both multiple times and finally decided I was in Mirk's case making a big issue out of a small problem. Hemp is more of a puzzle. He has a good big outrun so I just need to help him remember where he put it. Esther continues to exceed my expectations.

17 bud setting horseback The dot on the horizon is Bud setting on horseback.

17 esther mirk Esther and Mirk at the Boudreau's

Got all packed up and found the tire low on air again. I blew it back up, said my good byes and hit the road around 8:30. Needless to say, it being Sunday, no tire stores were open. An hour south of Bowman, North Dakota my luck ran out and the tire blew out. I pulled into a ranch road and got out to check the damage. Fortunately, someone flagged me down as soon as it blew, so no rim damage. I think. Also only a small crack on the plastic fender. I had just knelt down to start trying to get the spare out from its holder under the trailer when two trucks pulled over. Two wonderful guys came over complete with jacks and tools. It was like the Daytona 500, how fast they had that tire changed and me back on the road. There I was thinking I  had been unlucky and just the opposite. I made my lunch date with Joni Swanke in Bowman with time to spare.

17-joni Joni Swanke's house

Joni and I had a nice trip through her kennel and I got to see not only her new pups but also her nursery dogs and next year prospects. Then off to her practice field. Joni and I traded some out runs with her two nursery dogs and Esther. Then Joni kindly held some sheep out about 500 yards so Hemp could once again fail to get out to his sheep. I sure can't figure out what's going on with him, but I hope he gets it out of his system before our next trial.

17 esther zack Practicing at Joni's

Tomorrow I will try and get a replacement tire and finish my drive up to Stormy's. Guess we'll need to work the dogs a bit in the morning before I leave. Sure am glad my tire blew out.