Sheepdog News

BevLive: The Big One, Day 1

Day started really cold and windy. Really windy, North Dakota windy which is pretty serious. Camp ground was fairly deserted when I got up so I was able to let the dogs have about an hour of free running around time.

Herbert and Alison got in from the Cattle Finals at about 11:00 and Al set up the puppy pen for Becca and her brothers which was very nice for the puppy. She has been a very good sport about all the crate time but I know it must be hard for her.

Running of the open on the big field began at 3:00. Bud was up first and had trouble on his lift. Nel and I were second. She had a great outrun. I gave her one call in so she didn’t go too wide but she nailed the top. Watching dogs run out 900 yards is very cool. The sheep are freer moving then the Colorado sheep but still turn and face the dog when ever they aren’t running away. A difficult combination for Nel who seeks total control. She didn’t hold her side on the beginning part of the fetch and went too wide letting them get way off line. We got the gates and the rest was okay. Missed second drive and another confused shed. I think I must be confusing her there some how because she’s a great shedder. Any way a mediocre run.

Lyle Ladd and Shep had a good run right after us showing that it was very possible.

I ran Hemp a bit later. He pushed too hard on the fetch and lost a sheep at the turn around the post. A not uncommon occurrence but disappointing.

I think all together they ran almost 20 dogs tonight. The wind was quite strong when we started, 30mph at a guess but dropped a lot as it got later. There is no wind now which is a very pleasant change. No wind, no rain.

They hope to finish this first open tomorrow and get ten or so dogs from the second open run. The field is dry enough so we can all drive our vehicles to the trial site which is a relief. It’s a long walk from the main road to the trial field about a mile.

So I have tomorrow off. Time to do some laundry alas. I want to get back over and watch some. It’s a very fun trial to watch. The outrun is very pretty and the sheep are very tough. A great combination.